Fake Facebook Identity Request Email

There is a number of fake emails claiming to be from Facebook asking to verify your identify by sending them your identity documents. In them emails they may ask you to upload your drivers license or passport else Facebook will disable your account. Never click on the links as these emails have been designed to steal your identity. Best just to delete the emails. Below is an example of one such scam email trying to steal someone’s identity.

Fake Facebook ID Identity Scam Email

Facebook themselves write on their own forums:

It sounds like the email or notification you saw is likely a scam. Spammers and scammers sometimes create phony emails or posts that look like they’re from Facebook.

These notices can be very convincing. If an email or post looks strange, don’t click any of the links in it or open any attachments, and please report it to us: 


If you did end up sending your documents please contact your relevant authorities. If you are in Australia please refer to the Australian government Scamwatch website for tips on what you should do next https://www.scamwatch.gov.au/get-help/where-to-get-help. It is important that you ask fast to prevent any further damage or financial loss.